The Wahl Family

Monday, June 2, 2008

Cutiest New Blog

Hey all! My sister Mary Ann posted about this site on her blog and I had to pass it on. For anyone who has little girls this is a life saver. It has the cutest hair does and explains how to do them with pictures! I don't know about all of you, but I need all the help I can get :)


Mary Ann said...

you don't even need help.. your girls always look adorable... see you this weekend! :)

Martin Messages said...

Thanks that is really helpful since Dorothy has long hair and I have short. You rock!!!!!

Ryan and Chelsea said...

Hey Deanne! We discovered your blog! It's fun to see you and your family. I will have to stow away this hair website for future use. Our youngest won't keep anything in her hair right now!

Gibbons said...

Deanne I was so excited to see your comment on my blog! This is Jenn (Evans) Gibbons by the way. It looks like you are doing sp good. We will have to keep in touch. Where are you living by the way? So happy to hear from you! Your kids are soooooo CUTE! Time fyies huh!
Love ya Jen

Jen said...

Thanks for sharing the site. I love it! I cannot wait to sit Audrie down and play!

Scott and Candice Moore said...

Hey Deanne! This is Candice I knew you and Alan At EAC it has been a while I discoverd your blog from Chelsea. We have one to if you want to check it out

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that cute blog. I made a blog page for Rusty's 10 year reunion blog. Their maskot was the elks. So I was testing it out. I showed it to Rusty and he was so excited till I told him it wasn't staying. Anyway, I hope you are doing great. Have a fabulous day!